How to get straight to number 1 on Google in just 5 days

The secret of great SEO

I put this site live on the 23rd November. On the 28th I was number 1 on Google for several of my top keywords.

I am straight in at number 6 for WordPress SEO Norwich – given that keyword is competing against dedicated SEO companies I don’t think that’s too bad at all.

How did I do it?

Firstly, I have a niche, but I expect you do too. I am also in one of the most competitive arenas given that my competitors are in the same industry and we all know a bit of SEO. Unless you trying to get keywords like car insurance to number 1, I think this is going to work for you. However, unlike ‘SEO Companies’ there is no guarantee because it is not possible to provide one when you rely on a third party system over which you have absolutely no control, in this case, Google.

I am using a location qualifier in my searches, but as we know, most people do. So, I search for my keywords followed by location e.g: WordPress Expert Norwich

Update, 5th December 2017: I am currently ranking 1st in the natural listings, below the map, for WordPress Norwich.

What SEO trickery am I using?

This is a very important question. The answer is none.

  • I am using no backlinks apart from a few references from sites that I have developed and a link on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.
  • There is no hidden copy.
  • I am not stuffing my pages with keywords, it is all human readable.

Ok, so no trickery, then what’s the edge?

  • I am using open honest techniques.
  • I have a fast, highly optimised website.
  • I have a secure website which has been set-up correctly.
  • Google like all of these things. It helps them serve up relevant good quality content to their users, which is what their business is all about.

What keywords are ranking?

Here are the current Google rankings. I don’t expect you to take my word for it. Try the searches yourself.

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Keywords Google position(s) Number of results
wordpress expert norwich 1 332,000
wordpress specialist norwich 1 279,000
wordpress security norwich 1 392,000
wordpress GDPR norwich 1 23,900
wordpress hacked norwich 1 419,000
wordpress consulting norwich 1 226,000
wordpress disaster recovery norwich 1 86,200
GDPR expert norwich 3 55,600
GDPR specialist norwich 3 61,600
wordpress SEO norwich 6 219,000

Results may vary slightly depending on location and general shifts in Google rankings

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How can you improve your website for SEO?

It’s a combination of great website speed, performance, website security and security headers, good site structure and well written optimised content.

It only takes a few seconds to run your website through these security and performance tests to find if your website could be improved.

I have been running these optimisations on client sites recently and getting continuously excellent results in just a few days.

Filed under: Best practice, Performance, SEO